I am having some issues with posting on this blog. I managed to save some of the pictures on here so I am going to post it while it is working. There are tons more pictures coming, as soon as I work out the problem. Pat, Baby James and I are all doing terrific. We are very busy but we are enjoying life. Baby James is growing so fast! He is 25 pounds and almost 30 inches tall! He is crawling all over the place at light speeds and can stand by himself for a few seconds at a time. He has 6 teeth (2 on the bottom, 4 on the top) and has discovered how amazing real food is. I think his favorite is speghetti. He is such a happy baby and loves to play. He can say mama and dada; however, he has no idea what they mean. He's sleeping through the night on a regular basis and Pat and I are so grateful for that! We are enjoying all his new milestones and achievements because they are coming and going too quickly! We love and miss everyone!